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The AWLF Scholarship offers $2,500 to women who are attending a Wisconsin law school and meet criteria that include service to others, academic achievement and unique life experience or circumstance. Sounds like a good fit? Apply now!
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Start by making a list of all your professional experience. This includes any jobs, internships, or volunteer experiences you've had. You can also include impressive achievements like being a part of a club, or winning an award. A standard resume is no more than one page long. Check out this resume guide by Grammarly, and some templates by Canva and Microsoft for reference.
The main difference between an official transcript and an unofficial transcript is an official transcript can't be viewed by you, and an unofficial transcript can be viewed by you. An official transcript contains an official seal, mark, and / or signature from your school, and is sent directly to the scholarship you're applying to. An unofficial transcript contains the same information, but it will be given to you first, and then you can send or upload it to the scholarship you're applying to.
Most high schools have a specific person they put in charge of transcript requests. If you Google the name of your high school and "transcript request," you may be able to find the contact information for that person and any instructions (like a form you need to fill out) Example below!
Your next best bet is to email the school office or your counselor. We prepared an email to make it easier for you! Make sure to replace everything in the brackets with the relevant information. If you don't know the name of the person who'll get your email, you can address it "To Whom It May Concern" or "Dear High School Officer."
DRAFT EMAIL TO YOUR HIGH SCHOOL Subject Line: [Your Name] – Requesting Transcripts
Dear [name],
My name is [your name], and I'm a current student at [high school name]. I'm working hard applying to financial aid so I can pursue my college dreams. [Name of program] requires an [official, sealed] transcript from my high school. Is that something that you can help me with? Thanks in advance for your time and consideration!
[Your Name]
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