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5 min

A. Leigh Phillips Scholarship

Maine Administrators of Services for Children with Disabilities


Each year a minimum of $1,000 is given to a graduating high school senior with a disability identified under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Maine Special Education Regulations Chapter 101, going on to post-secondary education. Special consideration is given to applicants with exceptional achievement in one or more of the following: extra-curricular, core-curricular, volunteerism, academics, leadership. Applications must include three letters of reference, a completed resume, and a copy of the high school transcript.

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Mos helps fill out applications


Coming soon


đź—“ May 31, 2025

Paid to

🏫 Your school

What you'll need

Recommendation letter

You’ll need someone who knows you to write about the great


Check the website for additional requirements.


When choosing a reference, try to select someone who knows you well and can speak to your specific skills and achievements. Teachers, employers, and coaches are all great examples. FYI: you should never put down a family member or friend!

To increase your chances of getting a scholarship, apply early, follow all application instructions, and write a great scholarship essay (if applicable)! For more help, ask a Mos advisor!

If you haven't heard back within a few weeks, reach out to the scholarship organization! Some scholarship organizations email all the applicants to let them know if they were selected or not, while others only contact the winners—it usually depends on the number of applicants. It never hurts to follow up.

To prioritize your scholarship applications, think about which scholarships you have the best chance of getting (the most specific ones, with more than one winner), the ones due the soonest, and the ones that are awarding the most money.

Tip: We recommend you make a schedule for yourself to follow to stay organized and on track throughout the scholarship application season! You can always ask a Mos advisor for help.

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