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Career Network Institute, Santa Ana, CA
Career Quest, San Antonio, TX
Career Quest Learning Centers, Lansing, MI
Career School of Ny, Staten Island, NY
Career Tech Center of Lackawanna Cnty, Scranton, PA
Careers Institute of America, Dallas, TX
Careers Unlimited, Orem, UT
Caribbean Aviation Training Institute, Carolina, PR
Caribbean Forensic & Technical Coll, San Juan, PR
Caribbean University, Bayamon, PR
Caris College, Jeffersonville, IN
Carl Albert State College, Poteau, OK
Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg, IL
Carleton College, Northfield, MN
Carleton University, Ottawa, FC
Carlos Albizu University, San Juan, PR
Carlos Albizu University, Miami, FL
Carlow University, Pittsburgh, PA
Carlson College of Massage Therapy, Anamosa, IA
Carnegie Institute, Troy, MI
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Carolina Christian College, Winston-Salem, NC
Carolina College of Biblical Studies, Fayetteville, NC
Carolina College of Hair Design, Asheville, NC
Carolina School of Broadcasting, Charlotte, NC
Carolina University, Winston Salem, NC
Carolinas College of Health Science, Charlotte, NC
Carrington College, Portland, OR
Carrington College, Sacramento, CA
Carrington College, Phoenix, AZ
Carrington College, Boise, ID
Carroll College, Helena, MT
Carroll Community College, Westminster, MD
Carroll University, Waukesha, WI
Carson - Newman University, Jefferson City, TN
Carsten Institute of Cosmetology, New York, NY
Carteret Community College, Morehead City, NC
Carthage College, Kenosha, WI
Carthage R-9 School District/Carthage Te, Carthage, MO
Carver Bible College, Atlanta, GA
Carver Career Tech Ed Center, Charleston, WV
Casa Loma College, Van Nuys, CA
Casal Aveda Institute, Niles, OH
Cascadia Community College, Bothell, WA
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Casper College, Casper, WY
Cass Career Center, Harrisonville, MO
Cassia Beauty College, New Orleans, LA
Castleton State College, Castleton, VT
Catawba College, Salisbury, NC
Catawba Valley Community College, Hickory, NC
Catherine Hinds Inst of Esthetics, Woburn, MA
Catholic Distance University, Charles Town, WV
Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, IL
Catholic University America, Law School, Washington, DC
Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
Cattaraugus/Allegany Boces, Olean, NY
Cayce/Reilly School of Massage, Virginia Beach, VA
Cayuga Community College, Auburn, NY
Cayuga Onondaga Boces, Auburn, NY
Cazenovia College, Cazenovia, NY
Cbd College, Los Angeles, CA
Cci Training Center, Arlington, TX
Cda Technical Institute, Jacksonville, FL
Cde Career Institute, Tannersville, PA
Cecil College, North East, MD
Cedar Crest College, Allentown, PA
Cedarville University, Cedarville, OH
Celebrity Barber School, Monroe, LA
Celebrity School of Beauty, Miami, FL
Celebrity Stylist Beauty School, Monroe, LA
Cem College, San Juan, PR
Centenary College of Louisiana, Shreveport, LA
Centenary University, Hackettstown, NJ
Center For Advanced Legal Studies, Houston, TX
Center For Advanced Studies of Puer, Old San Juan, PR
Center For Allied Health Education, Brooklyn, NY
Center For Employment Training, San Jose, CA
Center For Healing Arts, Llc, St. Louis, MO
Center For Massage & Natural Health, Asheville, NC
Center For Neurosomatic Studies, Clearwater, FL
Center For the Healing Arts, Voorhees, NJ
Center For Ultrasound Research & Educati, White Plains, NY
Centerpoint Massage & Shiatsu Therapy Sc, Bloomington, MN
Centra College, Lynchburg, VA
Central Alabama Community College, Alexander City, AL
Central Arizona College, Coolidge, AZ
Central Baptist College, Conway, AR
Central Calif Sch Continuing Educ, San Luis Obispo, CA
Central Career School, South Plainfield, NJ
Central Carolina Community College, Sanford, NC
Central Carolina Technical College, Sumter, SC
Central Christian College of Kansas, Mcpherson, KS
Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly, MO
Central Coast College, Salinas, CA
Central College, Pella, IA
Central College of Cosmetology, Waynesville, MO
Central Community College-All Campuses, Grand Island, NE
Central Connecticut State Univ, New Britain, CT
Central Georgia Technical College, Macon, GA
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